Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu!
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Ten Benefits of Reading Durood Shareef
1. Allah will send ten mercies upon the one who recites Durood Shareef once upon the Prophet (saw)
2. Allah will forgive his ten sins
3. Allah will raise his rank ten times
4. Allah will grant him ten rewards
5. The reciting of Durood Shareef before making dua brings hope of its acceptance
6. It will bring the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) on the Day of Judgement
7. It is a cause of forgiveness
8. It brings the pleasure of Allah
9. It will bring the reciter nearer to the Prophet (saw) on the Day of Judgement
10. It will remove all his worries in this world and the next.
Ubay Ibn Kaab (ra) reports that, "I asked, "O Prophet (saw) of Allah, I would like to recite a lot of salat (durood shareef) upon you, how much of the time that I have set aside for dua shall I use for it?" The Prophet (saw) replied, "As much as you wish". I said, "Then I shall use one quarter of it". The Prophet (saw) said, "It is as you wish, and if you increase beyond that, it shall be even better for you". I said, "In that case, I shall make it half of the time". The Prophet (saw) said, "It is as you wish, and if you increase beyond that, it shall be even better for you". I said, "I shall make it two-thirds of my time". The Prophet (saw) said, "It is as you wish, and if you increase beyond that, it shall be even better for you". I said, "O Prophet (saw) of Allah, I make the intention now that I shall set aside all the time of dua for salat (durood shareef) upon you". The Prophet (saw) replied, "In that case, all your worries shall be removed and your sins shall be forgiven".
(Tirmidhi, Ahmad and Haakim)

May Allah give us all the ability to recite abundant Durood Shareef everyday - Ameen.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Ten Benefits of Reading Durood Shareef
1. Allah will send ten mercies upon the one who recites Durood Shareef once upon the Prophet (saw)
2. Allah will forgive his ten sins
3. Allah will raise his rank ten times
4. Allah will grant him ten rewards
5. The reciting of Durood Shareef before making dua brings hope of its acceptance
6. It will bring the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) on the Day of Judgement
7. It is a cause of forgiveness
8. It brings the pleasure of Allah
9. It will bring the reciter nearer to the Prophet (saw) on the Day of Judgement
10. It will remove all his worries in this world and the next.
Ubay Ibn Kaab (ra) reports that, "I asked, "O Prophet (saw) of Allah, I would like to recite a lot of salat (durood shareef) upon you, how much of the time that I have set aside for dua shall I use for it?" The Prophet (saw) replied, "As much as you wish". I said, "Then I shall use one quarter of it". The Prophet (saw) said, "It is as you wish, and if you increase beyond that, it shall be even better for you". I said, "In that case, I shall make it half of the time". The Prophet (saw) said, "It is as you wish, and if you increase beyond that, it shall be even better for you". I said, "I shall make it two-thirds of my time". The Prophet (saw) said, "It is as you wish, and if you increase beyond that, it shall be even better for you". I said, "O Prophet (saw) of Allah, I make the intention now that I shall set aside all the time of dua for salat (durood shareef) upon you". The Prophet (saw) replied, "In that case, all your worries shall be removed and your sins shall be forgiven".
(Tirmidhi, Ahmad and Haakim)

May Allah give us all the ability to recite abundant Durood Shareef everyday - Ameen.
i love this keep it up